Neurofeedback Service
Neurofeedback is a non-invasive technique used to help the brain self-regulate. Using sensors and specialized software, we directly measure brain activity and reflect it through a video display. When we allow the brain to see its activity, it can then adjust itself for better physical and mental performance. Nothing is ever transmitted into the brain; we are only recording and feeding back information found within the EEG. By improving self-regulation of brain activity, we help our clients function better cognitively, emotionally and behaviorally. This applies to children and adults suffering from various symptoms.
What conditions can it help?
- Autism
- Peak Performance
- Depression
- Learning Disorders
- Chronic Fatigue
- Memory Loss
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Addictions
- Migrane Headaches
- Chronic Pain
- Seizures
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Panic Attacks
How Neurofeedback Works
Neurofeedback is as easy as watching a movie of your choice. While viewing your film, an EEG (sensors on your head) monitors how fast or slow your brainwaves are firing and subconsciously teaches your brain to fire at more optimal speeds. The movie you’re watching is only fully displayed when your brainwaves are functioning within an optimal range, rewarding your brain. When your brainwaves fire at a rate that’s too slow, too often or too fast, the movie will fade — providing immediate feedback to your brain that something is out of balance. Over the course of our brain performance training program, your brain learns from this feedback and lasting structural changes within your brain take place, allowing the brain to consistently operate within an optimal range outside of the training environment, alleviating your symptoms.
What about Medications?
With successful neurofeedback training, the medications targeting brain function may very well no longer be needed, or they may be needed at lower dosages, as the brain takes over more of the role of regulating itself. This decrease in medications is particularly striking when the medications play a supportive role in any event, as is often the case for the more severe disorders that we are targeting with our work. It is essential for clients to communicate with their prescribing physician regarding neurofeedback and medications.
Insurance Questions?
We accept most major private insurance plans but encourage you to check with your insurance provider for specific details. Our dedicated insurance specialists are experts in facilitating coverage for your needs. We also offer multiple payment plan options and some limited scholarship assistance.